The following article, written by the president of the Humanitas360 Institute, Patrícia Villela Marino, was published by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo on October 10, 2023. At the beginning of October, the Supreme Federal Court (STF) unanimously decided that federal and state governments must develop a plan to combat problems in the prison...
Category: Articles
Article: José Gregori, An Icon of Justice and Human Rights
By Patrícia Villela Marino Born on October 13, 1930, José Gregori lived 92 years in favor of justice, democracy and human rights. Although his birthday is a reason to celebrate the life of an extraordinary man, this year marks a change, the passing of a giant. Gregori left us last month, but his legacy remains...
Note from the president of H360 on the passing of José Gregori
On behalf of the Humanitas360 Institute, I express my deep condolences at the passing of José Gregori, one of the most inspiring men I have ever had the opportunity to know, and I offer sincere solidarity to his family and friends in this time of mourning. Former Minister of Justice, José Gregori was a tireless defender...
President of H360 speaks at the Commission for Rights and Democracy of Lula’s “Conselhão”
On August 22, the president of the Humanitas360 Institute, Patrícia Villela Marino, participated in the installation of the Thematic Commission on Rights and Democracy, which is part of the Council for Sustainable Economic and Social Development (CDESS), recreated this year by the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Held in a hybrid form, the...
Article in Um Só Planeta: “It’s time to clarify Lula government’s policy on pesticides”
The following article was originally published in Portuguese on Globo’s Um Só Planeta website on July 6, 2023. In a global economy that increasingly favors regenerative agriculture, eco-development, and social responsibility, we cannot allow our country to be guided only by retrograde policies in agribusiness. In the last 4 years, our country has experienced a...
Patrícia Villela Marino: “Revision of the Drug Law cannot be postponed”
Between the end of May and throughout June, the judgment in the Supreme Federal Court that may decriminalize the possession of drugs for personal consumption in Brazil was included in the agenda of at least five sessions, but all of them was postponed. Stalled in the Court since 2015, the process discusses the constitutionality of...
Article in O Globo: “It is necessary to change the paradigm of tax incentives and philanthropy”
The following article, written by Patrícia Villela Marino and Priscila Pasqualin, was published in the Prática ESG platform, of the newspapers O Globo and Valor Econômico, on March 22, 2023. The President of the Republic has said that it is necessary to put the poor into the budget and the rich into the Income Tax....
Derrubando Muros Collective: “Tearing down walls is strengthening the bridges of democracy”
Derrubando Muros (Tearing Down Walls) is a civil society initiative that brings together more than 100 people, including activists, scientists, communicators, academics, businessmen, and politicians with the aim of defending democracy, tolerance, and dialogue between different opinions. The manifesto below was originally published on the group’s website and was signed, among others, by the president...
Article in Folha de S.Paulo: “Patient safety hinges on passing the Cannabis Act”
The following article, written by the president of the Humanitas360 Institute, Patrícia Villela Marino, was originally published in Portuguese in the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo on December 13, 2022. In the democratic process, it is up to the state to perceive society’s needs and, based on them, to create sustainable solutions. When this tuning does...
Article in Bloomberg Línea: “I vote for Lula in defense of the Democratic State of Law”
Originally published in Portuguese by Bloomberg Línea. In an essay, the businesswoman says she will vote for the PT for the first time and that the former president is the last bastion of democracy in Brazil By Patrícia Villela Marino* October 26, 2022 “I am 52 years old, I am a lawyer and a civic-social-environmental...