Humanitas360 brings together Latin American leaders at its first annual board meeting

Humanitas360 (H360) held its first advisory board meeting in Sao Paulo last February 19. The event took place at the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Institute Foundation and brought together great Latin American leaders such as former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, former Chilean President Ricardo Lagos, Colombian Senator Juan Manuel Galán and General Oscar Naranjo, who served as the chief negotiator in the peace negotiations with the FARC. They all attended a round table the day before that discussed what can be expected from the peace process. H360 members also attended the board meeting including Enrique Acevedo, Univisión anchor, Martín Santos, Executive Director of the Buen Gobierno Foundation, Yon Goicoechea, Venezuelan activist, Juan Mora, Colombian entrepreneur, Emilio Lozoya, former CEO of Pemex, and Salvador Paiz, President of FUNDESA.

The meeting focused on H360’s role in helping shape Latin America’s future by aligning with current trends in the region. A theme that permeated the meeting as a whole was the need to arouse a sense of collectivity for citizens to work together, rescuing the idea of ​​humanity. Young people must also understand that real change is a long-term process, and progress comes with time and dedication.

Meeting participants also discussed the importance of promoting dialogue between citizens, government and other sectors to stimulate knowledge exchange and create information platforms that can empower young people to participate more effectively in society. Technology has been touted as an essential tool in improving democratic processes, and in connecting people who are already engaged in transforming their communities and countries.

The group concluded the meeting feeling challenged and, above all, hopeful to build a more connected Latin America with more empowered citizens.

Humanitas360 annual report