Category: Active Citizenship

Help Alejandra Izquierdo, the first indigenous woman accepted for a doctorate in Colombia, rebuild her home after a fire

Help Alejandra Izquierdo, the first indigenous woman accepted for a doctorate in Colombia, rebuild her home after a fire

Last Friday night, January 13, the house where the indigenous activist, community leader and researcher Alejandra Izquierdo lives in Colombia was consumed by flames. She, her husband and their three children were away, so they are safe but faced with the challenge of rebuilding their home. The Humanitas360 Institute, which supports the young indigenous woman’s...

Derrubando Muros Collective: “Tearing down walls is strengthening the bridges of democracy”

Derrubando Muros Collective: “Tearing down walls is strengthening the bridges of democracy”

Derrubando Muros (Tearing Down Walls) is a civil society initiative that brings together more than 100 people, including activists, scientists, communicators, academics, businessmen, and politicians with the aim of defending democracy, tolerance, and dialogue between different opinions. The manifesto below was originally published on the group’s website and was signed, among others, by the president...

H360 supports research on cannabis regulation in Brazil and comparison with international experiences

H360 supports research on cannabis regulation in Brazil and comparison with international experiences

The Humanitas360 Institute supports scholarship and research of its collaborator Higor Cauê in the Master Course in Political and Economic Law. Higor works on the theme “Cannabis regulation and (racial) reparation: international experiences and the Brazilian case” in the Stricto Sensu Post Graduation program of the Presbyterian University Mackenzie, in the research line “Citizenship Shaping...

First indigenous woman accepted for doctorate in Colombia thanks to H360’s support.

First indigenous woman accepted for doctorate in Colombia thanks to H360’s support.

The first indigenous woman to be accepted as a PhD student at colombia’s most prestigious university began attending classes recently, thanks to the support of the Humanitas360 Institute. Since August 8, Alejandra Izquierdo, indigenous to the Arhuaca ethnic group, has been studying for her doctorate in Interdisciplinary Development Studies at the Universidad de los Andes...

Parliamentary Front on Cannabis Defense delivers activity report; read

Parliamentary Front on Cannabis Defense delivers activity report; read

In August, the Parliamentary Front in Defense of Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp, group that brings together several deputies from São Paulo led by Sérgio Victor (New Party), presented its final activities report. The work is the result of eight public hearings with more than 30 experts and activists – such as journalist Marcelo Tas;...

Introducing the award-winning Monitoring the City project in social technology

Introducing the award-winning Monitoring the City project in social technology

This project was initially developed in a partnership between H360 and MIT; learn about the developments and future plans of this technological civic platform Winner of the Social Technologies Award by Banco do Brasil Foundation in 2021, the Monitoring the City app is the result of a long history of collaboration between Brazilian and foreign...