Environment Week: H360 team goes to Rondônia to define new Paiter Suruí village to receive potable water filter

Environment Week: H360 team goes to Rondônia to define new Paiter Suruí village to receive potable water filter

At the beginning of June, when Environment Week is celebrated, teams from the Humanitas360 Institute and its sponsor, the PDR Philanthropic Fund, will visit the state of Rondônia to reunite with the Paiter Suruí people and their leader, Cacique Almir Suruí. Among the goals of the trip is to define which village in the Sete de Setembro Indigenous Land will receive the fifth drinking water distribution point brought to the region by H360 and PDR, in partnership with the socio-environmental impact startup Água Camelo.

The project began in 2023, with the installation of large-scale filters in the villages of Lapetanha and Pabykeb, in Rondônia, impacting around 112 people. This year, it gained new momentum, with newly installed points in the Gamir and Apoena Meirelles villages, where they will benefit 65 and 17 Paiter Suruí families in Rondônia and Mato Grosso, respectively. On the map above, you can see the location of each of the villages.

The installation of the filters is part of the actions of the Potable Water Coalition for Indigenous Peoples, created by H360 and the PDR with Água Camelo. The initiative seeks to raise funds and develop innovative solutions to guarantee the supply of drinking water to as many indigenous villages in the country as possible, particularly in the Legal Amazon. Since its launch in March this year, during the event “The Future of Water Today” at the CIVI-CO space, in São Paulo, the coalition has already won the support of dozens of personalities, such as photographer Sebastião Salgado, businessman and philanthropist Elie Horn and jurist Nelson Jobim.