Cuxá Cooperative members working at the Maranhão Public Defender’s Office fair

Cuxá Cooperative members working at the Maranhão Public Defender’s Office fair

Such a common scene in many movies and series: for an inmate to participate in any activity outside prison, it is necessary a whole apparatus of criminal police, security and logistics. On Women’s Day week, Dorilene Lima and Bruna Ribeiro, who are serving time at  Maranhão’s Women’s Prison Unit and are members of Cuxá Cooperative, they worked at this fair for a very special reason – to sell the cooperative’s products at the #DefensoriaDelas fair, promoted by Maranhão’s Public Defender’ s Office.

“The Cuxá cooperative represents the struggle of imprisoned women. In addition to providing jobs, it supports female entrepreneurship. It’s a way for them to prepare for the future”, says Suzana Camilo, Penal Execution Center public defender. “Our release is not a routine thing. I am very grateful to God and Humanitas360. In each work like this there is a whole process, a team behind it”, recalled Bruna during the event.

Throughout the day, the cooperative raised funds by selling Tereza products – embroidery, wallets, toiletry bags, plate sets and sousplats. “Today is an important day because it proves that we are ready to return to society and be reintegrated,” said Dorilene. Mission accomplished.

You can watch a video about this day by clicking on the link below: