Guide for former prison inmates
I’m Free, Now What? – Guide for former prison inmates is a digital publication in Portuguese that aims to provide guidance to prisoners and ex-prisoners, family members and prison staff about the different practical aspects of the resocialization process. The guide was produced by the Humanitas360 Institute, in partnership with the Responsa Institute and the NGO Reflexões da Liberdade.
Created to be shared for free on e-book or via Whastapp, which increases the reach for this information for ex-convicts across Brazil, the guide presents key points for a fresh start in liberty. In the Whatsapp edition, the publication is divided into three parts and brings valuable recommendations for people who are leaving prison, gathered from the experience of those who work with the issue of human rights in the prison system, as is the case of the Institute Humanitas360, and also from those who lived through the process of reintegration, as is the case of Karine Vieira and Emerson Ferreira, creators of the Responsa Institute and the NGO Reflexões da Liberdade, respectively.
Among the guide’s highlights are guidelines such as always carrying documents that prove the release, avoiding a new arrest in a possible police raid, if the system has not yet been updated with the release of the person, and recommendations for regularizing documents such as ID, taxpayer registry and employment record book. This task is made difficult by the penalty of a fine, a patrimonial penal sanction that most of the time is fixed together with the physical punishment and obliges ex-convicts to pay a cash amount in order to recover their documents. The guide not only explains how the fine is calculated, but also gives you valuable tips for accessing documents even without paying the fine.
“We created the guide to provide former inmates with information to help them know their basic rights in a scenario in which our individualistic, consumerist, divisive and competitive culture normalizes the exclusion of these people as something natural, and this is precisely the trigger of violence, crime, mass incarceration and the state of high vulnerability of this population,” explains Patrícia Villela Marino, president of the Humanitas360 Institute.
I’m Free, Now What? – Guide for former prison inmates (in Portuguese) is available for download on the Amazon website and it is among the 600 most downloaded e-books on, 17th in Society and Culture. To download the e-book on Amazon, click here.

Distributed on e-book and via Whatsapp, the guide for former prison inmates launched by the Humanitas360 Institute offers guidance on civil rights, social assistance programs and more to help resocialize prisoners